Check this ending please, I was doing tree things at the same time so dont analiza my game i know i was bad but how can you explain this ending in a player who is rated 1340(is is not exactly the same since i know someone would locate him)
[Event "RHP Blitz rated"]
[Site ""]
[Date "2007.8.4"]
[Round "?"]
[White ""]
[Black "Superman"]
[Result "1/2-1/2"]
1. c2-c4 e7-e5 2. Nb1-c3 Ng8-f6 3. g2-g3 d7-d6 4. Bf1-g2 Bc8-d7 5. Bg2xb7 c7-c6 6. Bb7xa8 Qd8-c7 7. e2-e4 Nb8-a6 8. a2-a3 Qc7-b8 9. Ba8xc6 Bd7xc6 10. d2-d3 Na6-c5 11. b2-b4 Nc5-e6 12. Ng1-f3 Bf8-e7 13. b4-b5 Bc6-d7 14. O-O O-O 15. d3-d4 e5xd4 16. Nf3xd4 Qb8-c8 17. Nd4-f5 Be7-d8 18. Nf5xd6 Qc8-c7 19. e4-e5 Bd8-e7 20. Bc1-e3 Be7xd6 21. e5xd6 Qc7xc4 22. Qd1-d2 Bd7xb5 23. Nc3xb5 Qc4xb5 24. a3-a4 Qb5-d7 25. Rf1-c1 Nf6-e4 26. Qd2-b4 Qd7xd6 27. Qb4xd6 Ne4xd6 28. Be3xa7 Rf8-d8 29. a4-a5 h7-h5 30. a5-a6 g7-g5 31. Ba7-b6 Rd8-b8 32. a6-a7 Rb8-a8 33. Rc1-c6 Nd6-b5 34. f2-f3 Nb5xa7 35. Bb6xa7 Kg8-h7 36. Rc6-d6 g5-g4 37. f3xg4 h5xg4 38. Rd6-d7 Kh7-g6 39. Ra1-a6 Kg6-g7 40. Ra6-b6 Ra8xa7 41. Rd7xa7 Ne6-d4 42. Rb6-b7 Nd4-f3 43. Kg1-g2 Nf3-e5 44. Rb7-e7 Kg7-f6 45. h2-h3 g4xh3 46. Kg2xh3 Kf6-g6 47. g3-g4 Ne5-c6 48. Kh3-h4 Nc6xe7 49. Ra7xe7 Kg6-f6 50. Re7-e8 Kf6-g7 51. g4-g5 f7-f6 52. Re8-e7 Kg7-g6 53. Re7-e6 Kg6-g7 54. Kh4-h5 f6xg5 55. Kh5xg5 Kg7-f7 56. Kg5-f5 Kf7-g7 57. Re6-e7 Kg7-f8 58. Kf5-f6 Kf8-g8 59. Re7-e8 Kg8-h7 60. Kf6-g5 Kh7-g7 61. Re8-e7 Kg7-f8 62. Kg5-f6 Kf8-g8 63. Kf6-g6 Kg8-f8 64. Kg6-f6 Kf8-g8 65. Re7-g7 Kg8-f8 66. Rg7-e7 Kf8-g8 67. Kf6-g6 Kg8-f8 68. Re7-f7 Kf8-e8 69. Kg6-g7 Ke8-d8 70. Kg7-f8 Kd8-c8 71. Rf7-e7 Kc8-d8 72. Kf8-f7 Kd8-c8 73. Kf7-e8 Kc8-b8 74. Re7-d7 Kb8-c8 75. Ke8-e7 Kc8-b8 76. Ke7-d8 Kb8-a8 77. Kd8-c8 1/2-1/2
Originally posted by SquelchbelchIf it isn't one of the forum black sheep. In short the problem I find with the blitz is that IMHO :-
God help him if he searches through your posts!
- is too much like Yahoo
- does not have the abilities/functionality available on Playchess e.g. you cannot kibbitz other games